Know Your Zone

This is the Area of Operations (AO) map for San Diego County. I know its a little rough (if any of you guys have any Illustrator skills and can clean it up at all that would be much appreciated). This is the map we will be using as we progress and begin forming our respective Resource Teams. Again, one of the the goals of this program is to shrink these very large areas down, so there is an autonomous and self-sufficient team in each city, then neighborhood, and eventually every block. Until we get there, know your zone.


Community Security: How Will You Provide Stability?

In any community, there are stabilizing factors and destabilizing factors — it doesn’t matter if the it’s the Global Community or the Shady Acres subdivision.  And these destabilizing factors go doubly so during an SHTF event where there’s much more likely to be instability.

There are going to be people and events that cause security problems and threaten the safety of you and your neighbors.  Unfortunately, any physical response in the short term is also likely to be destabilizing.

Consider a village in Afghanistan or a town in Iraq: insurgents move in and destabilize the area (often targeting political and commercial pillars of the community) and the U.S. response is to come in and fight the insurgents.  Combat operations are inherently destabilizing factors.  In most cases, combat operations to find and kill the area’s insurgents actually causes more instability in the near term.

And consider what’s happened in Burns, Oregon over the past couple weeks.  In this case, the Ammon Bundy & Crew occupied some empty Refuge buildings over thirty miles outside of town.  Physical impact on the community?  Very low.  But the psychological impact was high, mainly due to exploitation by the media and local authorities.  In other words, instability.

And then came the arrival of other belligerents like the FBI, which further destabilized the community.  In the case of the FBI and local law enforcement, instability was good.  It gave them talking points and allowed them to influence community members against the occupiers, which were made out to be the root cause of their suffering.  The presence of the FBI didn’t decrease the already very low threat the occupiers posed to the community, however, turning the municipal airport into Forward Operating Base Burns added to the list of destabilizing factors.

One thing I noticed while embedded with the PPN is that their relationship with community members was growing in size and scope.  There were lines drawn, certainly, but one of the ways that the PPN was attempting to bring stability to Burns was to get the community involved and give them some of their power back.

Essentially, that’s the effect of instability: power.  When the Taliban comes into a village and threatens or coerces local governance, the power is being taken away from the elders and the tribe.  When the Taliban taxes commerce and steals for their logistical support, they’re taking power away from the local economy.  Once the Taliban are driven out, that power is eventually restored.  And that’s the basis of population-centric counterinsurgency: removing destabilizing factors while providing security and restoring power to local governance.

So in an SHTF situation where we’re actively providing security, how do we provide stability for the community when combat/security operations brings so much instability?

First, we have to identify the destabilizing factors.  Begin searching along political, military, economic, social, infrastructure and informational lines (often referred to by the acronym PMESII).  A shadow government put into place by an organized gang would bring political instability, leaving residents asking who’s really in charge?  A grid-down event would bring economic, infrastructure and social instability because a lack of essential services degrades society.  The arrival of a mobilized National Guard unit or increased law enforcement presence, along with checkpoints and patrolling, are examples of how military/security operations disrupts daily life in your area.

Sometimes we may identify symptoms, instead of root causes.  For instance, the mobilized National Guard unit is in response to something.  It’s just a band-aid, so our job (especially as an intelligence element) is to identify the reason for their presence.  Is there an active threat, or has the unit been mobilized as a precaution for an unseen but potential event?  An organized gang implementing their own government, or forcing it on the area, is a symptom of poor governance or a lack of governance.  The gang is just filling the vacuum.

Once we identify the destabilizing factors (especially their causes and effects), then we can begin searching for an adequate remedy.  Facilitating commerce in an area and ensuring that free trade is protected will bring some stability back to an area experiencing grid-down effects or brownouts.  If the National Guard more so destabilizes the area than the criminality for which they were brought in to combat, and if the community helps defeat the criminal organizations, then it becomes more likely that the National Guard unit can be forced to pack up and go home.

To combat a shadow government, we might face a two-pronged approach: a kinetic fight against the enforcement of their governance, ensuring that they can’t enforce their rules on our neighbors, while re-forming or supporting good governance locally and gaining the cooperation of our neighbors to support a more viable system.

Effectively, this is exactly what’s going on in Burns, Oregon right now.  Local, state and federal authorities are working to fight a grass roots insurgency over Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, regarding which government entity can own federally-controlled property.  It’s really about the governance of land.

If the people of Burns and Harney County force the resignation of their political leaders (currently a destabilizing factor for the grass roots insurgency) and replace them with representation that holds their interests at heart, then the insurgency will have more local power and their popular support will likely grow.  If the people can’t do that — if they can’t find ways to limit or remove the factors destabilizing their efforts — then they will eventually lose their fight.


Samuel Culper is the director of Forward Observer, an Open Source Intelligence provider. He was an Army and contract Intelligence analyst with multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the author of two books: Security and SHTF Intelligence

First Things First



First Meeting: 1:00 – 3:00 pm, on Sunday, April 24th, 2016

VFW Post 2082, 2885 Lemon Grove Ave,  Lemon Grove, CA 91945

Meeting Focus:  Overview and Initial Planning

Welcome to the Oath Keepers of San Diego County’s Community Preparedness Team (CPT) blog.  I would encourage you to go to the “about” section of this page to learn who we are and what our goals for the San Diego community are. Assembling a diverse and effective CPT, will be an extensive endeavor.  We ask for your participation, patience, and input as we get things up and running. First steps and initial organization will be the thrust of our first meeting.

In short, the San Diego CPT program is designed to have well trained, experienced military, police, and first-responder veterans come together & lead the way, preparing their communities for any disaster.  Our respective military branches/agencies have trained us with the requisite knowledge, skills,  and organization necessary to respond swiftly & appropriately to multiple disaster scenarios. Our mission is to pass on our knowledge to our communities. We seek to empower our civilian counterparts, so they too are able to survive and thrive any disaster scenario.

A true CPT will consist of a symbiotic relationship between the professionally trained and the civilians who wish to learn. We want committed people who love their country and their fellow man. So, if that is you, if you care about your family and community, have skills to share (or the desire to learn), and the willingness to develop new strengths, you are welcome to attend and we hope you will join us.


Spend a Little, Live A Lot

Spend a Little, Live A Lot


This article was written by Tom Chatham and originally published at Project Chesapeake

Most people want to live a life of extravagance but their meager paychecks often fall far short of reaching that happy place. As a result they are forced to borrow their way to their imagined happiness causing them great financial stress along the way. People have been sold on the idea that newer and bigger is better.

Those that have seen through this thinly veiled sham have learned that happiness can come at much cheaper prices causing less stress and more fun. There are many ways to have a good standard of living without all of the expense. Living within your means is the key and learning not to try to keep up with everyone else is important. There are many ways to live well without all of the expense and the following are just a few of the ways to make that possible.

Buy used and save- If you find something in good shape that you like and at a great savings over a newer version why not get it. It can be furniture, toys, clothes or a car. I have a truck that I bought 15 years ago for 2 grand. Since then I have put another 2 grand into repairs and maintenance. For four thousand dollars I have had a vehicle to drive for 15 years and it still runs good. Over that time many people have bought not one but two new cars at an average cost of $20,000 dollars. This means these people have had to earn $36,000 dollars ( after taxes) more than me just to have a vehicle to drive. I can think of a lot better things to spend money on than a car.

Cook instead of order- Many people like to go out for dinner and there is nothing really wrong with that. If you work hard you deserve to treat yourself from time to time but eating out a lot can really add up over time. Cooking at home from scratch is much cheaper and healthier in most cases. This is especially true if you grow some of your own food. If you can save even one thousand dollars a year on your food bill that can add up over time.

Cheap Entertainment- One way to save a lot of money quickly is to dump the cable TV and get a HD antennae. These cost as little as $30 dollars and can pull in broadcast stations from up to 100 miles away. A typical cable or satellite bill can run $80 dollars a month. That amounts to $960 dollars a year. The antennae I have pulls in over 40 channels from two cities about 50 miles away, all for free. Many people off grid have given up TV completely but it is nice to have the ability to see the local news and weather at a minimum. There are also ways to save on family vacations. Most people live within driving distance of a park or historical site. These can make for great weekend getaways for the family and if you pack a pick-nick basket it can be a cheap way to spend time with the family. If you can add some fishing gear and basic camping gear you will have a way to spend several days away from home inexpensively as you fish, hike and explore. This type of gear also gives you equipment to use in an emergency at home where power and cooking ability are cut off.

Utility bills- One way to save on your water bill is to keep a few rain barrels by your home to use in watering your garden or lawn. This is also useful if the power goes out and you need water to flush the toilet. Having a few solar panels or a small wind turbine to charge a battery pack can help cut down on power usage. This is really helpful if the power goes out. One of the biggest power users in the home is the hot water heater. These things keep 60 or 80 gallons of water hot 24/7 just in case you need some. This is like leaving your car running 24/7 just in case you need to go somewhere. You can cut down this power usage drastically by getting a tankless water heater. These can be electric or gas and only run when the hot water faucet is on. Heat is also another big power user, especially in the northern states. Having a wood stove or fireplace insert can cut your heating bills drastically and they can be used even if the power is out which is a bonus.

Affordable housing- The single biggest expense that many people will ever have is the cost of their housing. Most people determine how much home they can buy by looking at their future expected earnings. This can have catastrophic consequences if they loose their job, home prices fall or the economy tanks. In the last few years we have seen all of these things happen. People are accustomed to buying more than they can afford just because someone is willing to lend them the money. Is it better to have a 1,400 sq. ft. home with a 30 year mortgage or a 600 sq. ft. home that is all paid for? This is something that people need to think very hard about because we are entering a new paradigm where easy money will be a thing of the past.

Ownership over debt- When you use debt to buy things you end up paying two or three times what the original price would have been if you had just saved your money and paid cash. If you go around in life paying twice as much for everything you will never have any savings to fall back on nor will you have as many hard assets that can preserve your wealth. When you think about it in these terms you come to realize that you are giving away most of your hard earned money to people that provide you with convenience and are taking advantage of the consumer mantra sold to people as the normal way to live.

I have stated before that if you have a paid for home and produce most of your own food and power, you could make $10,000 dollars a year and live as well as someone making $40,000 a year. This is because you will be saving a lot of money on interest and conveniences that the average person can provide for themselves. It is also important to understand that having a smaller home and an older car will save you a great deal of money on insurance payments and property tax every year. Reducing your necessary income will also reduce your income taxes every year as well. Why slave away every day just so you can give most of that money to someone else?

Reducing your expenses is more of a mental problem than a physical one. Once you have the right attitude about it and realize where most of your money is actually going it becomes easier to scale back your spending and start living like you should. Life does not have to be hard or expensive. Those are things we do to ourselves by not thinking things through and trying to take the path of least resistance.

Survival Medicine Handbook

Survival Medicine Handbook-A guide for when help is NOT on the way

by Larry Diffey , March 15, 2015

I’ve been reading quite a few books on survival medicine lately in an attempt to find something that I felt was worthy of recommending to our members. It seems that everything has missed the mark in one way or another. Some have been so basic as to be useless while others have been so complicated that one would not only need to be a physician to make use of them but would need a fully staffed hospital at their disposal. I have finally found one that strikes a very good balance. Ironically, it’s a book that I’ve had for some time and haven’t had the opportunity to read. It is The Survival Medicine Handbook-a guide for when help is NOT on the way, by Joseph Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P.

The Survival Medicine Handbook
It’s available through Amazon and also through the authors website Doom and Bloom located here: By the way, their website is well worth a visit whether you need the book or not.



This book opens with a section on taking responsibility that is in itself a good read. The chapters that follow cover: principles of medical preparedness, becoming a medical resource, hygiene and sanitation, infections, environmental factors, injuries, chronic medical problems, other important medical issues, and medications. Within those chapters there is a wealth of knowledge that is imparted in a very easy to read and understand manner. This book can be used by virtually anyone with the desire to invest the time to read the material. It is the most accessible book of its’ type that I have seen while still being of tremendous value for the intended purpose-useful medical knowledge.

It is also apparent that the authors are preppers who are living what they are teaching. They exhibit this mentality by approaching the subject of survival medicine in a holistic manner. They include natural remedies and old, but tried-and-true, methods knowing full well that modern medicines and techniques may not always be available. In keeping with the aforementioned holistic approach they include a section on medicinal gardens and what you should grow in case manufactured medicines are not available.

This book tells you how to build first aid kits on a stepped basis from individual kits to nuclear family kits to camp medic kits up through community clinic supply kits. They tell you what medicines you need to stockpile and how to store them. It covers everything from dental issues to broken bones and it does all of it in a straightforward and easily understood writing style.

Get this book and keep it close. It may one day be among your most valuable assets. Follow the recommendations and guidelines on getting yourself prepared for a medical emergency. With the recommended supplies on hand and this book in hand you’ll be in good shape to look after yourself, your family, and your community in a SHTF situation.

Active Shooter

How to handle an active shooter.


by Jason Van Tatenhove , December 10, 2015

We here at Oath Keepers have been saying for quite some time that we need to change our thinking when it comes to active shooter situations. That we need to begin to shed our sheepish mind set of victimization and begin to foster a true warriors mindset where it is better to fight back and maybe die as a hero or quite possibly survive by fighting back! Here is a great video originally posted at the Blaze that goes over just this sentiment.

Down & Dirty Comms

Down & Dirty Comms – An Introduction

Walkie-talkie, all sides

by Jason Van Tatenhove , March 1, 2016

One of our biggest pushes this year will be for national training standards. It has been evidenced by the operations that we have been a part of that, there is a definitive need to get everyone from across our local chapters, and even those from other national and regional organizations, to have a standard baseline of training when it comes to operational standards. If we got everyone on the same standard, we could more effectively respond to a natural disaster, active shooter, or full blown terrorist attack regardless of where it occurred. We must always be looking to improve ourselves and learn from past mistakes.

Moving forward this year, Oath Keepers National, along with trusted training centers and programs, will be putting forward a set of basic standards. This will most likely take the form of 3 levels. Each of these levels will have certain skill sets and physical fitness standards (don’t worry, we will be including opportunities for everyone dispute if you are able to hump a ruck for miles on end or not.) These levels will include skills that must be learned and demonstrated such as; comms, first aid, security, engineering, etc.

The following video shows what a basic comms class (as put on by The North Idaho Training Center) is like. Please keep in mind that the students go on to practice and reinforce these skills every time they come to a training and use comms (which is, pretty much, every training.) We hope you enjoy this taste of what a basic class can be like.

If you are interested in scheduling a training in your area, or just would like more information on the North Idaho Training Center, please, visit their website or find them on Facebook. Also look for much more to come regarding our National Training Standards at

PLEASE NOTE: According to FCC regulations; This is only able to be legally performed using a dedicated frequency. Please research the FCC regs for further infomation.

Four Things You Should Trust in the Months Ahead

, November 11, 2014

 This article was written by Tom Chatham and originally published at Project Chesapeake

It seems like there is less and less that people can hold any trust in these days. The government lies about everything, more so than usual, the FED lies, the market is a lie, the economic numbers are a lie and we cannot even get protection from outside threats because of open boarders and political correctness.

When one looks around for something they can hold to provide security and comfort in times of imminent peril and chaos there are very few things the average person can count on with any certainty. In the coming days of propaganda and political spin there are but four things you should trust with any certainty.


Having hope and spiritual guidance during difficult times transcends the physical needs of humanity. While he may not always give you what you want or expect, he is always present and listening and is prepared to give you what you need.


A mans best friend is his dog, but apart from that the best friend a man can have in times of great unknowns and chaos is his rifle and a good supply of ammo.


When the monetary system is about to fail and nobody wants to admit the truth, the best thing a person can hold to protect their wealth is gold. It has a 5,000 year record of working as a medium of exchange when everything else fails.


In times of uncertainty, the ability to eat is a basic need that few realize until it is too late. A full pantry is one of the most comforting things a family can have to ward off fear and hunger. It does not matter what the emergency is. When you are unable to buy what you need, it is good to know you already have what you need.

America is on the pathway to financial chaos and betrayal on a scale many cannot imagine and the sooner you accept the implications of this the sooner you can begin to protect your family from the dark days ahead. What lies ahead does not have to be the end of the world but it will feel like it if you are unprepared to deal with the situation that develops.

It is foolish to go boating without a life vest. It is foolish to go on a long trip without a spare tire in your car. It is foolish to think you will never become a victim of crime if you travel in dangerous places with no protection.

Yet most people will leave the most basic needs of their family to chance by trusting in a system that is run by criminals that will take everything you have and tell you to give them more. They trust in a system that must run flawlessly to provide them with the things they need everyday. They trust that life will go on as it has their whole life without any problems. Everything works until it doesn’t.

When that day comes it is too late to think of the things you should have done. It is too late to do anything but trust that someone will be there to provide the things you need. Either that someone will not be there when you need them or they will extract a great price for the services they provide. You cannot expect to care for your family properly when you are at the mercy of others.

Only when you hold those things that can provide the security and comfort that you need will you have the flexibility to do what you need to do when normal conditions cease to exist. It is easy to get by in normal times but when things suddenly change for the worst, you need to remain in control of your future. No one will care more about your future than you do so do not leave it to chance or the machinations of others.