
logoCommunity Preparedness Teams (CPT)
Security ● Communication ● Medical ● Preparedness ● Engineering

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, America learned a difficult truth. We cannot (and should not) rely on government to quickly & efficiently take care of local communities in the wake of a disaster, be it natural or man-made. The government has proven itself ill-equipped & unprepared to assist the public in the event of a large-scale disaster. Families perished from disease, dehydration, & starvation while bureaucrats debated the best course of action. The responsibility for the security & survival of our families & communities is the duty of each of us.

The San Diego CPT program is designed to have well trained, experienced military, police, and first-responder veterans come together & lead the way, preparing their communities for any disaster. Our respective military branches/agencies have trained us with the requisite knowledge, skills, & organization necessary to respond swiftly & appropriately to multiple disaster scenarios. Our mission is to pass on our knowledge to our communities. We seek to empower our civilian counterparts, so they too are able to survive and thrive any disaster scenario. This partnership will ultimately make every neighborhood, county, & state as independent, secure, and self-sufficient as possible, decreasing our reliance on government, effecting meaningful change at the local level. Our comprehensive classes and training will teach the skills necessary to accomplish these and other goals. We hope you’ll join us.

“That government is best which governs least, because its people discipline themselves”
~Henry David Thoreau


About Oath Keepers

“Not on Our Watch!”

There are many misconceptions about who Oath Keepers are and what their goals are. We would like to set the record straight and we encourage you to go to www.OathKeepers.org to learn more. Who are Oath Keepers? Anyone who takes the Constitution seriously, and wants to preserve and defend it.

Veterans, your Oath NEVER expires! It’s time to keep it!

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first-responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrant-less searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial. (For more details, see the website for: Oath Keepers Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey.)

Oath Keepers reaches out to both currently serving and veterans to remind them of their oaths, to teach them more about the Constitution they swore to defend, and to inspire them to defend it. See the national website for details on how we do that.

Oath Keepers also includes a membership program designated as “Associate Members”, which consists of patriotic citizens who have not served in uniform but who serve now by supporting this mission with their Associate Membership and volunteer activities. Oath Keepers welcomes our Associate Members and appreciates their support of our mission.

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