Survival Medicine Handbook

Survival Medicine Handbook-A guide for when help is NOT on the way

by Larry Diffey , March 15, 2015

I’ve been reading quite a few books on survival medicine lately in an attempt to find something that I felt was worthy of recommending to our members. It seems that everything has missed the mark in one way or another. Some have been so basic as to be useless while others have been so complicated that one would not only need to be a physician to make use of them but would need a fully staffed hospital at their disposal. I have finally found one that strikes a very good balance. Ironically, it’s a book that I’ve had for some time and haven’t had the opportunity to read. It is The Survival Medicine Handbook-a guide for when help is NOT on the way, by Joseph Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P.

The Survival Medicine Handbook
It’s available through Amazon and also through the authors website Doom and Bloom located here: By the way, their website is well worth a visit whether you need the book or not.



This book opens with a section on taking responsibility that is in itself a good read. The chapters that follow cover: principles of medical preparedness, becoming a medical resource, hygiene and sanitation, infections, environmental factors, injuries, chronic medical problems, other important medical issues, and medications. Within those chapters there is a wealth of knowledge that is imparted in a very easy to read and understand manner. This book can be used by virtually anyone with the desire to invest the time to read the material. It is the most accessible book of its’ type that I have seen while still being of tremendous value for the intended purpose-useful medical knowledge.

It is also apparent that the authors are preppers who are living what they are teaching. They exhibit this mentality by approaching the subject of survival medicine in a holistic manner. They include natural remedies and old, but tried-and-true, methods knowing full well that modern medicines and techniques may not always be available. In keeping with the aforementioned holistic approach they include a section on medicinal gardens and what you should grow in case manufactured medicines are not available.

This book tells you how to build first aid kits on a stepped basis from individual kits to nuclear family kits to camp medic kits up through community clinic supply kits. They tell you what medicines you need to stockpile and how to store them. It covers everything from dental issues to broken bones and it does all of it in a straightforward and easily understood writing style.

Get this book and keep it close. It may one day be among your most valuable assets. Follow the recommendations and guidelines on getting yourself prepared for a medical emergency. With the recommended supplies on hand and this book in hand you’ll be in good shape to look after yourself, your family, and your community in a SHTF situation.